Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A girl can dream.

I've blogged about my relationship with Jeff before, but as far as I remember, that blog was kept private. This, however, is not. So, if you plan on reading this but you're not into cheesy stuff, just stop right here. :)

I'd be lying if I said that back in 2010 I knew what my life would be like in two years - at least I thought I did, but I didn't.

I met Jeff the day after elections in May, and well, this, what we have now, was totally unexpected. Unexpected because we were batchmates in college, we bumped into each other so many times and we had so many common friends. Most of his friends and blockmates became my classmates (even his exes) but not him. Funny thing was (awkward's actually a better adjective for that night,) we already met in 2009. We met at my cousin's party in August and well, we small talked each other. But that ended there cause I got drunk (for the very first time) that night.

Fast forward to May 2010, my cousin was supposed to go out with my college friend and they wanted me there so it wouldn't look like a date (weird, I know. But yeah.) So I asked my cousin to ask a friend to tag along cause I didn't want to be the third wheel. I specifically asked him to bring someone single cause I didn't want issues with a jealous (psychotic) girlfriend - he brought Jeff. The "date" didn't push thru so it turned into a drinking session - from Greenhills, we moved to Ortigas Home Depot to my Lola's house. The day after that drinking session, I was planning to watch the movie The Last Song by myself in Shangri-la - I was super ok with watching alone. I remember chatting with Jeff then and I remember he offered to watch it with me. I told him that I was fine to watch it on my own since I knew for a fact that boys don't really like watching chick flicks. Then out of the blue, I remembered that my cousin had a game that same afternoon so I asked Jeff if he wanted to watch it live instead of watching the movie - he agreed. And there goes our first date.

A few (well, I think it was five days) after we met, I asked him what was going on between us (I know, I was too straight-forward. But come on, we were already going out every single day and texting each other non-stop the day after we met.) I asked just cause I didn't want to get hurt - I wanted to know up to what extent I could allow myself to get attached. After finding out what his answer was, I just let go. I allowed myself to enjoy every second I spent with him. Everything after that day went by so fast and since we were always together, I started falling for Jeff. I was terrified of really falling for him then cause I didn't really have a good background when it came to relationships - I was single the whole time I was in college (I was single since my last relationship ended in 2005.) I did go out on dates though, but none was that serious to take to the next step. Being single that long was a decision I made out of fear of getting hurt - relationship number one (which lasted for five months) ended because then ex cheated on me with his "bestfriend" and relationship number two (which lasted for four months) ended because he wanted things that I did not want at that time (I'll let you fill in that blank.) - And these are only some of the reasons why I was so scared of going serious with Jeff. (Good thing I didn't follow my fears. Haha.) He was aware of my fears and he never made me feel like I was in it alone. He was the easiest person to talk to - we talked about everything (and yes, he did tell me literally everything there was to know about him. He even mentioned things I didn't have to know. But yeah. That's Jeff for you.)

Fast forward to July 2010. I felt like I was already in a relationship with him (minus the label) because of all the arguments and whatnots we've gone through since we met. He "proposed" (I still dislike using this term for that. Proposals are for engagements. Haha.) a week after my birthday. I will not give details as to where we were at that time and how everything happened, but when that happened, I was in a love bubble. Haha. It felt like we were in our own world and nothing could ever come between what we had.

Until this day, I still get butterflies in my stomach when he picks me up from work or when I know we're going to go on a date (which happens every Friday.) It's been two years and five months since that day in May. We are still learning so much about each other, only this time, we discover things together - we're (finally) growing up together. Making plans about our future, talking about getting our own place, getting married, having kids - all that. I am still in that love bubble (except when we fight of course. Jeff turns into The Hulk then and me, well, I turn into a bitch. Haha.) I look forward to that day when we start house-hunting and preparing for "The Big Day." A girl can dream. :)

Monday, September 24, 2012


Do you ever get that feeling that some of the people in your workplace discriminate you because of your designation/payslip? I have. And it SUCKS.

You see, my mom raised me to never deprive myself of food. So growing up, I was ok with spending extra for good (if not the best) food.

I don't know if everyone else was raised that way - I guess not. Because people here at work always have something to say about where I buy my food and whatnot. I do not and probably never will understand why they do what they do. Don't get me wrong, I respect that they're entitled to have an opinion about anything, but, it irks me - A LOT.

Sometimes, I think they need to learn to keep it to themselves. But then again, that's just me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

People are full of shit.

I've always tried to keep a positive outlook on everything. Call me crazy, but I've always had this belief that if you stay positive, good things come your way - at some point that belief worked. I've always been the type of person who'd try to keep smiling even when under pressure, stressed out or even pissed off.

About a year ago (or maybe more than a year ago,) I kind of stopped being my optimistic self - cause I realized that people kept giving me crap, so why should I always try to be the "better" person? I recently learned that it didn't do me any good. I just looked more stressed out than I really was.

However, early today, I learned from my bestfriend that no matter how good you are or how well you treat the people around you, tendencies are, they'd still give you crap - which is really sad.

No matter how crappy things get, remember: "Everything's going to be fine."

Monday, July 30, 2012

Oh, Globe.

It's been six days now. Does it really take this long? The last time I applied for a postpaid line, it only took a few minutes before I got the handset. Activation was the one that took longer. What's up with that?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Napaagang wishlist

Every year, I try to make a list of things of material things I want for christmas or whatever. Since August na next week, eto na siya. HAHA.

1. Samsung Galaxy S III or Apple iPhone 4S
2. The new iPad
3. Bag (Parfois/Promod/Kate Spade)
4. Trip to Bangkok with pocket money (HAHA!)
5. Macbook Pro
6. Hard drive na sobrang laki ng memory
7. Canon SLR
8. Shopping money
9. GCs to my favorite restaurants
10. Complete set of Giada de Laurentis' cookbooks
11. Complete set of Ina Garten's cookbooks
12. GCs to different cooking classes

Yay! :D

Monday, July 23, 2012

This thing I have with phones.

I've been torn between Apple's iPhone 4s and Samsung's Galaxy S III for the longest time. :|

Which one to choooooooooooose?